Endorsed by

National Association of Television and Radio Broadcasters (NAT) is the largest professional union of broadcasting companies in Russia. NAT members include national, federal and regional companies, content producers and integrators, research and academic establishments, media measurement providers and other organizations.
NAT has its own information resource – an interactive TV and Radio Atlas of Russia, which works in all regions of the Russian Federation and is open to the wide public.
NAT defends its members’ rights and interest on the federal and regional levels, takes part in the development of legislative framework for the e-media and migration of TV and radio to new digital technologies.
NAT representatives participate in task teams with the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media, Roskomnadzor, Russian TV and Radiobroadcasting Network, issue expert judgment on draft laws and administrative regulations of Rospechat and Roskomnadzor, collaborate with Federal Antimonopoly Service, Federal Customs Service, Russian Copyright Society, Russian Organization for Intellectual Property, and other organizations.
NAT President E.Sagalaev and Board members K.Ernst and O.Dobrodeev are also members of the Governmental Commission for TV and Radio Broadcasting.
NAT specifically focuses on regional and thematic non-terrestrial channels and pursues development of new business models for them in the digital environment.
Key projects and events of the Association: International Exhibition of Professional Equipment and Technologies for Television, Radio and Internet broadcasting NATEXPO, International Broadcast Content Market Moscow TeleShow, children’s TV festival “Tune in!” and the festival of socially important TV programs “A Hero Of Our Time”, national awards in satellite, cable and online television “Golden Beam”, and TV technologies awards named after Zvorykin.

Nonprofit Russian Association of Cable Television was founded in 1998 to join efforts of the national telecommunications community to boost development of advanced multichannel broadcasting technologies.The Association comprises 100 companies – direct members, and 600 more enjoy membership through holdings and regional association. The Association unites all major operators of cable, satellite and terrestrial television in Russia. Altogether, members of the organization cater to 19.5 million subscribers. Members include leading televisions companies and national terrestrial broadcasters, largest system integrators and many research institutes. The Association also provides membership to fellow unions from Poland, Ukraine, Georgia, Belarus, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Latvia and Kazakhstan. The Association accumulates industry-related knowledge and expertise, it provides consulting services and represents the common stand of the cable business community in the Government. The Association is extensively engaged in the development of legislative initiatives related to industry regulation.
Being a professional union, it establishes a strategy for the cable industry and provides its members with new ideas and insights.

Association of the augmented and virtual reality in Russia (AVRA) - is the open community of business and individuals engaged in interactive computer technology, including augmented and virtual reality. The Association aims to develop technologies, help companies to market and popularize their achievements. The use of interactive technologies will reach a new level in the industry, teaching, television and marketing. Members of the Association teamed up for using of modern technology to improve the quality of human life and the effectiveness of its work.

Non-profit organization "The National Association of house communications and information networks " (NADIKS) was established on 14 April 2003. The main objective of the Association is to develop and implement a consistent set of activities related to the creation, improvement and long-term development of information and communication brownies multi-service networks and computer clubs in the city of Moscow. http://nadiks.ru/about/

Association Internet developers (tida) was created for exchange of experience and development of all participants of the market of web development. Currently, the air includes web Studio, software developers, advertising Agency, Agency seo, and many other companies and professionals. Together we make the market of web development in a professional, transparent and open. Join us!